Using rvest to scrape the 2020 Russian constitutional referendum results from Wikipedia, do some sums, and plot them on a choropleth (raster and ggplot). The source is available here.

Load packages


Read in the data from a Wikipedia page

Grab the page

This uses a particular revision, not the latest page, so the table doesn’t shift if I rerun the code.

wp_page <- read_html("")

Grab the table

I got the xpath using the Chrome inspector (see, e.g., this page)

results <- wp_page %>%
  html_node(xpath = '//*[@id="mw-content-text"]/div/table[10]') %>%
  html_table(fill = TRUE)
names(results) <- c("Region", "Votes_Yes", "Perc_Yes", "Votes_No", "Perc_No")

Have a look:



Remove an empty row and other stuff…

res_clean <- results %>%
  subset(!Region %in% c("",
                        "Source: CEC",

Remove the thousand separator commas.

res_clean %>%
            ~ gsub(",", "", .)) -> res_clean

Now transform all the numbers to numerics.

res_clean %>%
            as.numeric) -> res_clean

Remove those percentages:

res_clean %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(starts_with("Perc"))) -> res_clean

Have a peek:



Total sums:

Total_Yes <- sum(res_clean$Votes_Yes)
Total_No  <- sum(res_clean$Votes_No)

Percentage voting for the changes.

Perc_Yes <- 100*Total_Yes / (Total_Yes + Total_No)
## [1] 78.55816

Compute the percentages again (more dp):

res_clean <- res_clean %>%
  mutate(Perc_Yes = 100*Votes_Yes / (Votes_Yes + Votes_No))


res_clean %>%
  arrange(Perc_Yes) %>%
  kable(align="lrrr", digits = 1)
Region Votes_Yes Votes_No Perc_Yes
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 9567 12074 44.2
Yakutia 204435 142464 58.9
Kamchatka Krai 65485 39406 62.4
Omsk Oblast 610278 360348 62.9
Magadan Oblast 34035 20090 62.9
Khabarovsk Krai 271421 159662 63.0
Murmansk Oblast 163735 95095 63.3
Irkutsk Oblast 529770 287131 64.9
Tomsk Oblast 223046 117232 65.5
Baikonur 4288 2248 65.6
Komi Republic 221113 115322 65.7
Moscow 2855547 1485963 65.8
Arkhangelsk Oblast 297432 150935 66.3
Sverdlovsk Oblast 1132182 565242 66.7
Altai Republic 55291 27433 66.8
Novosibirsk Oblast 698857 323674 68.3
Kostroma Oblast 180846 83044 68.5
Yaroslavl Oblast 374053 168930 68.9
Russians abroad 99852 44939 69.0
Udmurtia 455908 199121 69.6
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 487750 212434 69.7
Chelyabinsk Oblast 1190097 505597 70.2
Kurgan Oblast 276378 117294 70.2
Khakassia 141381 59758 70.3
Kaluga Oblast 338748 140003 70.8
Krasnoyarsk Krai 848638 350687 70.8
Republic of Karelia 168389 68304 71.1
Amur Oblast 258548 103726 71.4
Perm Krai 734802 293643 71.4
Kirov Oblast 409702 163247 71.5
Vologda Oblast 388615 152983 71.8
Ulyanovsk Oblast 379056 148346 71.9
Vladimir Oblast 419606 164025 71.9
Novgorod Oblast 172997 66616 72.2
Tver Oblast 410421 155409 72.5
Smolensk Oblast 296792 111247 72.7
Kaliningrad Oblast 334755 125341 72.8
Altai Krai 645603 241132 72.8
Buryatia 329208 121205 73.1
Chuvashia 426779 154351 73.4
Orenburg Oblast 834406 286720 74.4
Kursk Oblast 389300 133471 74.5
Zabaykalsky Krai 352670 114010 75.6
Sakhalin Oblast 189466 60853 75.7
Mari El 251831 77884 76.4
Ivanovo Oblast 390256 117846 76.8
Saint Petersburg 2241963 624517 78.2
Jewish Autonomous Oblast 70213 19430 78.3
Pskov Oblast 231684 60626 79.3
Lipetsk Oblast 479670 124509 79.4
Ryazan Oblast 499716 129104 79.5
Primorsky Krai 723089 185629 79.6
Moscow Oblast 3488197 888794 79.7
Nizhny Novgorod Oblast 1505620 382801 79.7
Leningrad Oblast 817168 203833 80.0
Voronezh Oblast 1070045 256306 80.7
Oryol Oblast 372411 88970 80.7
Samara Oblast 1346254 312252 81.2
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 18146 4203 81.2
Belgorod Oblast 798636 170172 82.4
Saratov Oblast 1187697 244989 82.9
North Ossetia – Alania 352314 71856 83.1
Tatarstan 1943685 389765 83.3
Tula Oblast 710765 138652 83.7
Rostov Oblast 2099202 400454 84.0
Volgograd Oblast 1222903 232524 84.0
Karachay-Cherkessia 211163 37367 85.0
Kalmykia 124265 21986 85.0
Adygea 236686 41043 85.2
Sevastopol 183296 31656 85.3
Penza Oblast 683244 114588 85.6
Tyumen Oblast 748290 122759 85.9
Stavropol Krai 1304638 213467 85.9
Mordovia 408380 65931 86.1
Bryansk Oblast 749749 114009 86.8
Kabardino-Balkaria 362739 53795 87.1
Astrakhan Oblast 463866 68087 87.2
Kemerovo Oblast 1522151 209742 87.9
Tambov Oblast 583972 80138 87.9
Ingushetia 152992 18972 89.0
Bashkortostan 2448685 292701 89.3
Krasnodar Krai 3219153 382712 89.4
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 265237 30605 89.7
Dagestan 1352732 155290 89.7
Crimea 1104730 111401 90.8
Tuva 175698 5426 97.0
Chechnya 712909 14132 98.1
hist(res_clean$Perc_Yes, main = "", xlab = "Percentage voting Yes")

Log-odds of voting…

qq_res <- qqPlot(qlogis(res_clean$Perc_Yes / 100), id = list(labels = res_clean$Region),
                 xlab = "Quantiles (normal distribution)",
                 ylab = "Log-odds voting Yes")

Plot on a map

The CRAN version of raster didn’t work this end (error loading a DLL), so grab from github…


… and load:


Get the Russia country map:

ru <- getData("GADM", country = "RUS", level=1)

Matching the region names

Here are the region names in this map (first 10):

##  [1] "Adygey"        "Altay"         "Amur"          "Arkhangel'sk" 
##  [5] "Astrakhan'"    "Bashkortostan" "Belgorod"      "Bryansk"      
##  [9] "Buryat"        "Chechnya"

They’re different to the names in the Wikipedia table. How do we match them…?

Fuzzy matching by edit distance…? This almost works for most of them but not quite…

distances <- adist(gsub("Oblast|Krai|Okrug|Autonomous",
rownames(distances) <- res_clean$Region
colnames(distances) <- ru@data$NAME_1

Often the match is good or close. Other times not so close, e.g., “Sakha” and “Yakutia” are different names for the same place but aren’t the closest match by edit distance. So, time to export and fix manually:

write.csv(, "distances.csv", row.names = T)

I fiddled with this file outside R (using… Excel, for shame) and replaced the best match with -1. Reading in again:

region_match <- read_csv("fixed_distances.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   .default = col_double(),
##   Region = col_character()
## )
## See spec(...) for full column specifications.

Okay, make a lookup table using a DIRTY for-loop:

wiki_region <- region_match$Region
GADM_region <- rep(NA, length(wiki_region))

for (r in 1:nrow(region_match)) {
  row            <- region_match[r,-1]
  matching_index <- which(row == -1)
  GADM_region[r] <- ifelse(length(matching_index) == 1,
                           colnames(row[which(row == -1)]),

matched_region_names <- data.frame(wiki_region, GADM_region)
rm(wiki_region, GADM_region, row, matching_index)

Take a look:


No matches for Baikonur (the cosmodrome), Crimea or Sevastopol (which are Ukraine), or “Russians abroad” (that ain’t no oblast).

Glue together

for_merge <- matched_region_names
names(for_merge)[1] <- "Region"
for_map <- left_join(res_clean, for_merge)
## Joining, by = "Region"

Now select the bits we want to plot on a map - the region name and percentages:

for_map <- for_map %>%
  dplyr::select(GADM_region, Perc_Yes)
names(for_map)[1] = "id"

Plot a map

This was more complicated than surely it needs to be…

## [1] TRUE
ru_df <- tidy(ru, region = "NAME_1")

This doesn’t look good: “support for gpclib will be withdrawn from maptools at the next major release”.

But tidy worked:

## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##    long   lat order hole  piece group    id    
##   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <lgl> <fct> <fct>    <chr> 
## 1  39.7  44.0     1 FALSE 1     Adygey.1 Adygey
## 2  39.7  44.0     2 FALSE 1     Adygey.1 Adygey
## 3  39.7  44.0     3 FALSE 1     Adygey.1 Adygey
## 4  39.7  44.0     4 FALSE 1     Adygey.1 Adygey
## 5  39.7  44.1     5 FALSE 1     Adygey.1 Adygey
## 6  39.7  44.1     6 FALSE 1     Adygey.1 Adygey

Glue the percentages on.

ru_df_vals <- left_join(ru_df, for_map)
ru_df_vals$region <- ru_df_vals$id # to prevent a message later...

Finally, plot…!

ggplot(ru_df_vals, aes(long, lat)) +
  geom_map(map = ru_df_vals,
           aes(map_id = id, fill = Perc_Yes),
           color = "gray",
           show.legend = T) +
  theme_void() +
  theme(legend.position="bottom") +
  coord_map("azequalarea") + 
  xlim(15,190) +
  ylim(40,83) +
  labs(fill = "% voting yes") +
  scale_fill_viridis(option = "magma", direction = -1)

The xlim, ylim and coord_map options were helped along by a stack overflow comment.